Lesson 3, Blue Ray of Level 3 - A Course in Light
Today the lesson is in the Radiant Wisdom Ray, which is the color of blue. The energy is a very mental energy. From your previous lessons you may have noticed that when you are in the activation of the Blue Ray, you may have feelings of isolation and feeling alone. Your thought processes may bring up many of your fears, skepticism, doubts about the lightwork, questioning everything as well as the situations you are currently experiencing.
This level of the light work is one in which your thoughts are being tested. You may notice you have what is called a busy mind. There can be a lot of negative thoughts about yourself, people surrounding you, questioning everything about your work and relationships. Sometimes it is as though you are walking around with a heavy mind.
The high side of this Wisdom Ray of light, however, is the ability to let go and release those thoughts, reminding yourself these are in opposition to the truth. Affirm: I am truly free from my doubts and self-doubts surrounding me. I really sense in every way, I am clearing my mind, clearing my thoughts to receive understanding and the depth of wisdomvailable to me.¡¨
So with that in mind begin your meditation. Notice when you begin to prepare yourself or just become still in the meditative experience, your thoughts are gathered to the center of your forebrain or forehead, you accept the rhythm of your breathing ¡K The deeper you breathe and you are aware of that breath, the more you know that you are healing many things inside your body. The breath of life flows through you and it truly does change consciousness within you.
With the gathering of your thoughts, all of your awareness and your egos into the forebrain, acknowledge your personality ego, body ego, organic and cellular egos and invite that part of yourself and your own soul to connect and merge, so you are focused and centered as one thought and one consciousness.
Breathe in and out ¡K let go of the stress and the pressures. And now direct the energies and the egos to the star center. Feel yourself rising up through your bodies and when you enter into this place of light, this is your time to open to what guidance is available for your particular needs, wants, intentions and goals. So invite your consciousness to be open and you may see or feel the presence of your guide or Jesus or masters. Some students become quite surpri sed as the see a door opening and their teacher come to them, its very inspirational and very exciting.
So should there be in you excessive worry, excessive need to know the answer now, excessive need to have all the answers comply with your intentions, let go, feel the light. Know that all things are in progress towards the greater good. Feel the peace that passes understanding flow through you, bringing a calmness to your nature. Direct this energy to the left side of your brain. Some in this work may be students in college or other advanced studies and have many pressures concerning their responsibility for schoo l. Meeting the dead lines and able to pass the test, to retain information, to follow through with the workload, focus on this energy, feel the rays of Wisdom energy in Blue flow through your own mental self. Observe how you feel a sense of calmness and you can meet all of your needs, the obligations and attain your goals. Accept that you are clear minded, that you are clear within and open to what you need to know and you are functioning with clarity or what they call brightness. What is brightness but the light, clear energy. And just know that you are letting go of the doubts about yourself and about circumstances even in your relationships, just open to understand your friends, your relatives, your mother, your father, the people you are confronted with, you are becoming more understanding therefore, able to communicate with calmness, straight forwardness and truth.
So think of you clearing out all that negative energy and being totally with your own vibration open to the right impressions, receiving the right message and open to using your gifts with right action. And now, bring this wisdom energy down the legs and out the feet.
The message for this moment in time is the message that living in the light is being open to the awareness that comes to you with insight. Wisdom is the acceptance that a guidance moves you through each opportunity presented to you. Wisdom is becoming in the center of the storm of challenge. Wis dom is, knowing there is a divine plan that has its power within all the confusions that appear. That amidst the most difficult lessons you experience there is resolution and peace that can take form. So you are the light worker, as peacemaker in a world of war, conflict and fear. Let the peace of higher wisdom and truth guide you through all challenges. Go in peace.