New Age Sharing
The word chakra is Sanskrit and it signifies a wheel, which is what you are immediately aware of when you first encounter them, or see them in a text someplace. The idea of the chakras is not new, and goes back to the dawn of humanity.
It was however kept secret and only revealed to those few that were ready to learn of the mysteries of life and of the self. Today in the age of information the word chakra is almost common place, but how many of us really understand what they are or mean? A chakra is an energy point in the human body/energy system through which power and life-force flow. There are literally thousands of these points throughout the body, but seven or eight of these have been the main focus of the student of the occult. You will note that each chakra has a front and a back except the crown chakra, which only has one opening. The main energy conduit that connects all the chakras together is called the Hara line. It is an energy stream that nearly runs along with the physical spine. In an undeveloped state they are very small only about two inches (5 centimeters) in diameter and show as pale gray or even depressions in the aura. In a fully developed state they are vibrant and rotating quickly and are like small suns reaching perhaps 6 inches (15 centimeters) across. The crown chakra on a fully realized person can be as large as the entire head and even bigger on a Master. The state of the physical body is in many times a reflection of the condition of a particular chakra. For example if a person has a heart condition many times a damaged heart chakra is the cause. Not that a real physical condition does not exist, for it most certainly may; however keep in mind that the state of your chakra will be reflected in the body. In theory, if you repair the damaged heart chakra, in time the physical condition would clear as well... or, in the least, after medical treatment, a repaired heart chakra will guarantee that the physical problem does not recur.
![chakra-muladhara-root chakra-muladhara-root](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-muladhara-root.jpg)
Chakra One: Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.
- Meaning: Foundation.
- Location: Base of Spine.
- Earth Element: Bones, Flesh, Skin, Nadis and Hairs of the Body.
- Attributes: Patience and Greed.
- Desire: Survival.
- Activity: Collecting and Saving.
- Symbol: Yellow Yantra Square, surrounded by Four Red Petals represents the Four Directions of Earth.
- Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Vam, opens up blocks in the lower body. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Varn, Sarn, Sharn, Sxarn). Kundalini Shaktl lies coiled like a snake in a downward pointing triangle. Meditation of the 1st Chakra awakens the Kundalini and starts the upward flow.
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Baby Brahma - Ever watchful creator, brings piece of mind and calms fears. Dakini Shakti - Protectress, Creator, Preserver, Destroyer. Alravata the Elephant - Vehicle of the Bija Mantra-Lam, Searches for food and takes orders.
![chakra-swadhisthana-sacral chakra-swadhisthana-sacral](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-swadhisthana-sacral.jpg)
Chakra Two: Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification. The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.
- Meaning: Dwelling Place of the Self.
- Location: Genitals.
- Water Element: Semen, Blood, Fat, Urine and Mucus.
- Attributes: Purity and Attachments.
- Desire: Family and Friends.
- Activity: Peaceful Jobs.
- Symbol: Blue Crescent Moon, surrounded by 6 Red Petals and Water encircling the Earth.
- Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Lam, removes insecurities associated with this Chakra. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Lam and Ram).
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Vishnu - The Preserver Embodiment of Right Living. Rakini Shakti - Inspiration to Worldly Art and Music. Crocodile - Vehicle of the Bija. Mantra-Vam. Sensuous and Tricky.
![chakra-manipura-solar-plexu chakra-manipura-solar-plexu](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-manipura-solar-plexu.jpg)
Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition. This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.
- Meaning: City of Gems.
- Location: Solar Plexus.
- Fire Element: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Lethargy and Digestion.
- Attributes: Anger.
- Desire: Achievement and Supremacy.
- Activity: Hard Labor.
- Symbol: Fiery Red Triangle, surrounded by 10 Blue Petals (like the hottest part of the flame).
- Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Ram, increases Absorption and longevity. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Damm, Dhamm, Namm, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Nam, Pam and Pham).
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Rudra - Old Shiva, God of Destruction. Powerful Angry and Detached. Lakini Shakti - Goddess of Independence and Fire. Ram - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Ram. Strong, Proud and Charges Head First.
![chakra-anahata-heart chakra-anahata-heart](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-anahata-heart.jpg)
Chakra Four: Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance. This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centerness.
- Meaning: Free from Constraint.
- Location: Heart.
- Air Element: Running, Hunting, Using Strength, Contraction and Expansion.
- Attributes: Restlessness.
- Desire: Action.
- Activity: Movement Within and Outside the Body.
- Symbol: Green-Gray Star (Smoky-Green as Smoke Pervades the Air), surrounded by 12 Red Petals.
- Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Yam, opens the Heart and helps control Vital Energy. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Nnam, Cam, Cham, Jam, Jham, Nyam, Ttam, and Ttham). The Spiritual Heart resides on the right side opposite the Physical Heart. Each of the 8 Petals of this Heart, the Ananda Kanda, represents an Emotion (Dullness, Anger, Evil, Joy, Movement, Sexuality, Charity and Holiness).
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Ishana - Detached from the World. Peaceful, Beneficient and Ever-Youthful. Kakini Shakti - Goddess of Spiritual Music, Poetry and Art. Antelope - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Yam. Innocence, Purity and Sensitivity.
![chakra-vishuddha-throat chakra-vishuddha-throat](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-vishuddha-throat.jpg)
Chakra Five: Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression. This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.
- Meaning: Pure.
- Location: Throat.
- Sound Element: Also know as Akasha. Love, Enmity, Shyness, Fear and Attachment.
- Attributes: Ego.
- Desire: Solitude.
- Activity: Thoughts and Ideas.
- Symbol: White Circle (Lunar Circle - Pure Cosmic Sound) surrounded by 16 Purple-Gray Petals.
- Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Ham. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Am, Amm, Lm, Llm, Um, Uum, Rm, Rrm, Lm, Llm, Em, Alm, Om, Aum, Aam, and Ahm). These Mantras go straight to the voice. The speaker's words go straight to the Heart.
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Panchavaktra - The Great Teacher, Eternal Knowledge, Balance and Non-Duality. Shakini Shakti - Bestower of Higher Knowledge and Powers. Memory, Will, Intuition and Improvisation. Gaja the Elephant - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Ham. Confidence, Hearing and In Tune with Nature.
![chakra-ajna-third-eye chakra-ajna-third-eye](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-ajna-third-eye.jpg)
Chakra Six: Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection. This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture."
- Meaning: Austerity.
- Location: Between Eyebrows.
- Beyond Element: Beyond.
- Attributes: Transcending Senses, Experiencing God-In-Self or Atman.
- Desire: Becoming Non-Acquisitive, a neutral observer.
- Activity: Mercy, Honesty and Forgiveness.
- Symbol: White Circle, 2 Luminous Petals in which all the Elements are combined.
- Mantra: Repetition of the powerful Bijan Mantra-Om. Elevates the speaker form everyday reality, through concentration, to the meditative state. Each Petal has a Sanskrit letter (Ham and Ksham).
- Deities: Each Chakra has a Manifestation of the Shiva and Shakti Deities. Ardhanarlshvara - Half-Male, Half-Female, Shiva-Shakti, No longer Separate. Hakini Shakti - Imparts Awareness of Non-Duality.
![chakra-sahasrara-crown chakra-sahasrara-crown](/information/images/CLCImages/ai/chakra-sahasrara-crown.jpg)
Chakra Seven: Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge. This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.
- Meaning: Thousand-Petalled.
- Location: Top of the Head.
- Attributes: Kundalini Shakti rises up the spinal column to unite with Shiva here. One understands Non-Duality, Lives in an Extended State of Consciousness and Attains Enlightenment.
- Symbol: One Thousand Rainbow Colored Petals.
- Mantra: Each of the 50 Sanskrit Letters Repeat on the Petals.
- Deities: The GURU Within.
How Solar Flares affect us
Solar storms are more common around the Equinox, and can have a higher impact on us due to "Equinox Cracks" which are cracks that form in our planet's electromagnetic field and allow more of the energy from solar storms to enter our atmosphere.)
Currently people may notice that their energy—and that of others around them—feels extra intense, like everyone is more irritable, anxious, impatient, fatigued, nervous, spacey, or stressed than normal. This may be due to the fact we are currently in the midst of powerful G1 & G2 level solar storms, which will last all weekend, due to a huge solar flare that has erupted from the sun and is now heading to Earth.
Solar flares are sudden flashes of brightness that are gaseous eruptions from the sun. They release vast amounts of tremendously hot, high-energy particles and gases that eject thousands of miles from the surface of the sun. The amount of energy it takes for a flare to shoot out is equivalent to approximately 160,000,000,000 megatons of TNT.Solar storms temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, as solar winds and flares interact with Earth’s electromagnetic fields. Humans are also affected because we each have a personal electromagnetic field that surrounds us—an aura. Therefore, in the same way electromagnetic energy affects our planet, it can also play havoc with our own energy fields, which has recently been scientifically proven.
Solar storms are known to desynchronise our circadian rhythm, which is the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times. Affected by this electromagnetic activity, our pineal glands produce an increase in melatonin—thus disturbing our sleep and throwing our intuition and inherent orientation out of sync. We suffer from disrupted sleep patterns, exhaustion, and vivid dreams.
We may also have enhanced intuition and psychic awareness.
Solar storms are also believed to directly impact our nervous system, causing us to feel extra edgy, cautious, and feisty, and as though we are running on adrenaline in “fight or flight” mode.
Human beings have mostly been conditioned to believe that if we cannot see or touch something, it must not exist—when, in actuality, we are capable of seeing, sensing, hearing, and smelling so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We also need to take into account the things that do exist but are outside of our sensing range. However, if we are ultra sensitive to energy, we may be more affected by this energy (and absorb more of it) than those who aren’t.
The effects of geomagnetic storms are often highly underestimated. When they occur, we can find ourselves spun out or agitated without having any clue as to why. We may also notice that our senses are on high alert, and that everything feels and sounds louder, brighter, stronger, and more vivid than before.
Geomagnetic storms can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can feel like they have temporarily “shut down.” However, when we have slowed down, we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads and DNA activations that help our vibration shift to a higher dimension. This is similar to the “ascension flu” that occurs when someone is going through an intense awakening period and their body is transcending from a physical one to a “light body.”
We are beings of light, made entirely up of energy. We only feel physical as we have been taught to believe that our world and universe is made up of physical entities, when it actually consists of highly vibrating energy. Everything that exists in the universe is made of energy that constantly vibrates, and moves in cycles, and the collective consciousness is one of the most impressive cycles to observe.
Human thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, values, and overall ideology are currently shifting at an incredibly fast speed. The intense energy surrounding Earth, mostly due to solar activity, is generating a shift toward a mass-awakening, whereby as a collective, we are becoming more consciously alert and aware of ourselves and others, as well as the positive and negative effects we have on the outer world.
Major solar flares from the sun send off massive amounts of plasma and crystalline frequencies that reach our planet. This intense energy they carry is believed to reach our electromagnetic field and activate and shift our conscious awareness, and is powerful enough to lift us up to higher frequencies or dimensions.
An insight into the dimensions:
3rd Dimension: In this dimension, the ego is in control. We exist in a material world, view things from a physical state, and see people as separate from others rather than unified. We suffer from feelings of lack. Social status, money, and career are valued higher than compassion and kindness. We rely only on the five senses. We have no desire for introspection, and we perceive and judge everything as “good or bad.” We’re fearful of losing money, possessions, and control. We don’t feel “good enough.” Everything is perceived as a coincidence rather than alignment or synchronicity. We desire to always be “right.” We feel like we need someone else to make us happy or feel fulfilled.
4th Dimension: This is known as the astral plane, and a gateway to the 5th dimension. We can step back to the 3rd dimension relatively easily. We can discover new friendships on the same frequency and find our “soul tribes.” We are aware that thoughts can shift vibrations and reality. Compassion, acceptance, unity, and unconditional love are valued, and a healthy diet and lifestyle become highly important. We seek soul purpose and passion, and we often feel alone. We have a heightened awareness of unrest on earth, and a desire to pursue our soul mission or calling. We are aware that there is more to the world than meets the eye. We use our intuition and trust it, and we open our third eye chakra, therefore “knowing things” without being able to explain how. We can tell when someone is lying, and experience regular deja vu and synchronicity. Time no longer feels linear, and astral travel is possible.
5th Dimension: In this dimension, it is difficult to re-enter the 3rd dimension. We have a heightened intuition. We feel no limits, no fear, and no judgment of “good or bad.” We have an absolute understanding of yin and yang. There is no competition, and no feelings of lack. We live in a unity consciousness, and accept and love family as they are. Everything is effortless and flowing. We find abundance. We cannot be manipulated, and can instantly love unconditionally. We no longer take anything personally.
When we become more consciously aware of ourselves and the world we live in, we experience something known as “ascension.” This is when a personal awakening results in a shift from the 3rd dimension to the 4th, 5th, or higher.
The divine light that radiates toward us during and after solar flare activity is thought to allow us to move quickly toward ascension. If our vibration is lifting, and we are heading away from the 3rd dimension and beginning to feel the higher frequency of the 4th or 5th dimension, we may experience the following:
- Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area
- Feeling out of sorts or unbalanced
- Flushes, dizziness, nausea
- Ear ringing, difficulty focusing, confusion, and having afoggy mind
- Forgetfulness, temporarily misplacing items
- Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, disturbed sleep patterns (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.)
- Seemingly out the blue bouts of anxiety, stress, irritability, frustration, sadness, nervousness, worry, fear, grief, and overwhelm
- Emotional, tearful, highly sensitive
- Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, having insights that seem to appear out of nowhere, psychic abilities, telepathy
- Aversion or sensitivities to particular foods and drinks
- Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed)
- Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing
- Premonitions, intense dreams, or nightmares
- Skin feeling irritable and/or itchy
- Struggles with communication, arguments, disagreements
- Electronic devices malfunctioning.
Geomagnetic storms are intense transformational periods that can bring mind-opening awakenings and reconnect us to internal and external universal knowledge and wisdom. To ensure we resonate with this higher energy so that our vibration is raised, we can combat the affects of solar activity by resting and taking time from our busy schedules to do the following:
- Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water)
- Take saltwater baths
- Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol
- Spend time in nature
- Consume high vibrational foods such as fruit and vegetables
- Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel
- Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender, and practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy
- When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology and anything or anyone where the energy is toxic and draining
Disclaimer: These are common symptoms of energy shifts, but if you feel your symptoms are of a medical nature please consult a medical professional.
By Alex Myles