石英 Healing and the Chakras
  • Clear 石英: According to healing myths, Clear 石英 is essential for all Chakra healing but it is especially important in Chakras associated with mental and spiritual energies, such as the Third Eye and the Crown Chakras, where it increases mental function and opens up the Spirit to holy communication.
  • Rose 石英: Associated with the Heart Chakra as a crystal of Love. It attracts love and helps the wearer prepare emotionally for Love.
  • Rutilated 石英: Opens the Third Eye Chakra, for spiritual communication in dreams and meditation and for stimulating the immune system. When healers do Chakra layouts, they place it near energy areas they think are sluggish.
  • Smoky 石英: They believe it can channel the light of the Crown Chakra into the Base Chakra to provide grounding and relaxation help.

石英 Sleep/Dreams
  • Clear 石英: Followers of the New Age believe that Clear 石英 is an important tool in communication with the spiritual world. It can channel communication in dreams when placed under the head during sleep, which it achieves through a deep restful sleep state.
  • Rose 石英: Rose 石英 is not associated with any properties as a sleep aide.
  • Rutilated 石英: In addition, they believe Rutilated 石英 can energize the mind during R.E.M. sleep, where they say the most psychic dreams can materialize.
  • Smoky 石英: Smoky 石英 is supposed to help the New Age believer to reach the goals sent during his or her psychic dreams, during which it increases awareness and helps to guide spirits in channeling dreams.

石英 Spritiuality
  • Energies: For the spiritualist, Clear 石英 is the ultimate energy manager, it has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify, focus, and direct the energy. In receiving, it can store energy for later use, transform it into any usable condition, screen out unwanted vibrations and center one own energy. In the New Age belief system, it contains all the elements of creation and symbolizes a whole being. It cleans the aura and contains great healing energy.For the spiritualist, Clear 石英 is the ultimate energy manager, it has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify, focus, and direct the energy. In receiving, it can store energy for later use, transform it into any usable condition, screen out unwanted vibrations and center one own energy. In the New Age belief system, it contains all the elements of creation and symbolizes a whole being. It cleans the aura and contains great healing energy.
  • Communication: Clear 石英 is important for spiritual communication, according to those who believe in it. It prepares the person for communication with other dimensions and planes of existence by aligning his or her psychic self with the universes. It achieves this by amplifying thoughts and energies and creating a heightened state of awareness of the cosmos. From this state, New Agers believe they can speak with their higher selves, their spirit guides and angels for recalling past lives and other activities.
  • Protection: Though not its primary use in spiritualism, Clear 石英 has very strong powers of protection. They believe it can use its powers of energy dissipation and transmutation to destroy or convert negative energies and evil psychic attacks on the person.
  • Wicca: Associated with rituals of the Yule (Winter Solstice Feast), Ostara (Spring Equinox holiday), Litha (Mid-Summer Solstice) and Imbolc (Celebration of the Approach of Spring) Sabbats.

  • Crystal Skulls: The Crystal Skulls have caused a huge stir within the New Age movement since they began to mysteriously appear in modern society. Believed by New Agers to possess magical properties and to have been created by the inhabitants of Atlantis, the skulls are of varying composition and craftsmanship. The most famous is the Mitchell Hodges skull, which its owners claimed to have discovered in a Mayan temple in the 1920's. This claim later turned out to be a hoax when investigators found that instead of finding it in the Mayan Temple as they had claimed, the owners had purchased the skull at an auction in London in 1924. Recent scientific studies have concluded that because of the complexity of creating them, the skulls are probably not ancient artifacts. However, these studies have been unable to determine their exact origins. Regardless of the fact that the skulls are not ancient, but rather new creations, the carving work is undeniably exquisite. Being generally well-grounded in their beliefs and unmoved by scientific evidence, followers of the New Age continue to revere them as living entities.
  • Rose 石英: In the spiritualist belief system, Rose 石英 is one of the most important Love stones. It is the crystal they use for all affairs of the heart, including healing, protecting, bringing peace and re-establishing the power of Love in the soul. They also revere it for balancing Yin and Yang energies, strengthening communications, removing negative energies and attracting Cherubic energies.
  • Rutilated 石英: For believers, this is an essential crystal for movement within the higher planes of existence. It is involved in their rituals of Astral Travel, Energy Exploration, Aura tuning, and Clairvoyance. Its other attributes include transmutation of negative thoughts, emotions and energies, and releasing blocks in the wearer energy patterns.
  • Smoky 石英: Smoky 石英 is one of the better varieties of 石英 for providing what New Agers call grounding and stabilizing. It provides them with connections to their physical life and helps them enjoy it more, by ridding them of guilt and emotional baggage, displacing negativity, and easing the meditation process. In the physical body, they associate it with the vital force of Kundalini, which is released during exercise. Finally, spiritualists believe it can protect from unseen dangers, connect to the inner guides and increase receptivity during dreaming.

石英 Symbolism
  • Clear 石英: In Western tradition, it is a common birthstone for the month of April, the medicine wheel birthstone for December 22 to January 19 and in Western Astrology, it is the birthstone for Libra. It is an alternate stone for April and November and Taurus. In Vedic Astrology, Clear 石英 is the secondary gemstone for Taurus and Libra. Its planetary rulers are Pluto, the Sun and the moon in Planetary Astrology. It symbolizes both the fire and water elementals. As a symbol, it is for men named Robert and a lucky stone for those of Japanese or Swiss ethnicity. It is associated with the number 4.
  • Rose 石英: Rose 石英 is the common birthstone for January, also associated with Taurus and Libra. It is a lucky stone for the names Raymond and Rose. The number 4 is its number and Water is its elemental.
  • Rutilated 石英: A Leo stone. It is a Fire elemental associated with the numbers of 2 and 8.
  • Smoky 石英: Western Astrology associates it with Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn, the numbers 2 and 8 and the water elemental. It is a stone that symbolizes Autumn, rules the hour of 1 a.m. and is the national gem of Scotland.