朵琳‧芙秋 附原音冥想CDDivine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation,A New Interpretation of the hermetic Classic Alchemical Manual The KybaFrom Divine Magic As long as we live on the material Earth plane, matter is real to us.Matter isn't less real to us just because we understand the scientific truthabout atoms, or the Hermetic teachings about the mental nature of the universe. We can control matter by applying higher force. This is better than pretending that matter doesn't exist. The laws of nature are constant, and we can't escape them. We can, however, overcome the laws by applying higher ones. The Universe and its laws and phenomena are real, so far as humansare concerned. The Universe is also ever-changing and transitory, so it'sunreal in the Absolute sense. However, we must live and act as if the fleeting Universe and matter were real. In the material world, Mentalism,the power of your thought, is the greatest natural force.作者簡介朵琳.芙秋博士Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. 一位具靈視能力的心理學家,擁有美國加州查普曼大學(Chapman University)心理諮商博士學位。在寫作上及工作坊中與天使、精靈和大師們共同合作,出版有《守護天使指引卡》、《大天使神諭占卜卡》、《女神神諭占卜卡》、《揚昇大師神諭卡》、《神奇精靈指引卡》等多種暢銷占卜卡,也是許多超感應力開發與身心靈主題的作者,著有《召喚天使》、《養育新世代靛藍小孩》、《神聖指引》等二十餘本書。並在國際間舉辦工作坊,探討天使療法、天使溝通與靈性治療。 朵琳經常參加電視與廣播節目做「天使解讀」,在美國被稱作「天使夫人」,她運用靈視能力與人們的守護天使溝通,帶動了與天使及自然界神性存有連結的風潮。欲知更多關於朵琳的訊息,可以上網查詢。
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