光碟DEUTER - Wind and Mountain

光碟DEUTER - Wind and Mountain

光碟DEUTER - Wind and Mountain

Specifically designed to help release of conscious and unconscious tensions, this music will lead you into a space of inner stillness. Peaceful slow frequencies and revitalizing high frequencies are orchestrated into a sweeping musical experience. Flute, piano, synthesizer; soft voices and alpha waves balance both hemispheres of your brain and promote creativity. A perfect accompaniment to massage, hypnosis and other healing techniques. I have used Wind & Mountain hundreds of times in my hypnotherapy practice. An exquisite array of sounds interwoven with alpha wave frequencies makes this music an effective tool for reaching deep states of relaxation. This album is a must fro healing professionals or anyone on a healing path.

Robert Weisz PhD Psychologist, Director of Milton Erickson Institute of New Mexico

an exquisite creation of sounds to promote deep states of relaxation.

The New Times

The Tracks:
Wind & Mountain
Silver Cloud
Island in the Sun
Morning Birds


94公克 (~3oz)
  • $1740


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