Sodalite Bead Bracelet

Sodalite Bead Bracelet
Sodalite Bead Bracelet
Sodalite Bead Bracelet
Sodalite Bead Bracelet


8g (~0oz)


Sodalite  are vitreous and transparent to translucent, however massive specimens can appear opaque. Although Sodalite appears similar to Lazuli, Sodalite is a royal blue rather than ultramarine and rarely contains Pyrite, a common inclusion in. It is further distinguished from similar minerals by its white streak of. Sodalite’s six directions of poor cleavage may be seen as incipient cracks running through the gemstone. Clear are very rare and are hardly ever large enough to be. Most specimens are massive and these are polished into ornamental slabs, inlays, carvings,s, eggs, beads and cabochons.

Well known for its blue color Sodalite may also be grey, yellow, green or pink and is often mottled with white veins or patches.

Sodalite has been named, "Princess Blue" after Princess Patricia who visited Ontario shortly after Sodalite’s discovery in Canada. She subsequently selected Sodalite for the interior decoration of Marlborough House in England. Sodalite is believed by some crystal healers to help clear up mental confusion and establish inner peace. Sodalite is also regarded as capable of strengthening the power of the mind over the body, by bridging the gap between thoughts and feelings. Sodalite is believed by some to foster knowledge, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom, and this is why it is sometimes called the "Wisdom Gemstone" Sodalite it is said to enhance understanding, concentration and endurance, and also bolster courage by releasing subconscious fear and guilt. Sodalite is believed by some to be an excellent gemstone for enhancing the communication skills of mediators and peace makers, and is credited as being good for healing rifts in partnerships and relationships, and helping to bring an end to arguments or disagreements.

  • $4830

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