Pink Opal Rose with Morganite Aquamarine Bracelet

Pink Opal Rose with Morganite Aquamarine Bracelet

Pink Opal Rose with Morganite Aquamarine Bracelet

Pink Opal Rose:21x16x15mm




(LxWxH) 165x2x7mm
17.4g (~1oz)
Ships in 2 to 5 Bus. Days
 Opal  Aquamarine  Morganite


Opal is a sedimentary stone. Under proper conditions, water percolates through the earth, becoming rich in dissolved silicates. When it enters a cavity, the silicates are deposited as tinys. If they are uniform in size and shape, they will diffract light. If they are random in shape and arrangement, we have common opal.

... Volcanic ash gives black opal its color, but inclusions have nothing to do with the play of color. That is due entirely to the tinys. They must be smaller than 1500 angstroms for blue and violet colors, but no larger than 3500 angstroms to produce oranges and reds. To put that in perspective, 20,000s are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.

... Opal grows by filling in cavities, regardless of their shape. Hence, we have many pseudomorphs, materials with shapes that are unrelated to the chemical content. The most common are opalized wood and seashells.


The name Aquamarine is derived from the Latin aqua (water) and mare (sea).

Aquamarine is one of our most popular and best-known gemstones, and distinguishes itself by many good qualities. It is almost as popular as the classics; ruby, sapphire and emerald. In fact it is related to the emerald both belonging to the beryl family. The colour of aquamarine, however, is usually more even than that of the emerald. Much more often than its famous green cousin, aquamarine is almost entirely free of inclusions.

Aquamarine has good hardness (7 to 8 on the Mohs scale) and a wonderful shine. That hardness makes it very tough and protects it to a large extent from scratches. Iron is the substance which gives aquamarine its colour, a colour which ranges from an almost indiscernible pale blue to a strong sea-blue.

The more intense the colour of an aquamarine, the more value is put on it. Some aquamarines have a light, greenish shimmer; that too is a typical feature. However, it is a pure, clear blue that continues to epitomise the aquamarine, because it brings out so well the immaculate transparency and magnificent shine of this gemstone.


Morganite is a pink, peach or purple/pink variety of Beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with hardness of 7.5 to 8. Its crystal system is hexagonal (trigonal).Its color is caused by manganese. Morganite was mined first in Madagascar in 1902. It was named after the financier and mineral collector J.P. Morgan. Important deposits of Morganite come from Brazil, Madagascar, Africa and the United States.

As Rose Quartz is the great energizer of personal love and self love, Morganite is attuned most clearly to the frequency of Divine love. Morganite open the heart on another level, making us aware of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist. Morganite give us the opportunity to surrender to the immense power of Divine love and let it show us our life path more clearly.

Morganite can bring an immediate release of old pain and sorrow and a sense of lightness, as though a burden has been lifted. It can make the healing of old wounds easier, bringing long-forgotten traumas into consciousness where one can relive them one last time as they are being released. Morganite brings in the frequency of Divine compassion, which gives us what we most need for our growth, if not always what we think we want. Morganite is recommended to all those who wish to do serious inner work and emotional self-healing. Not only can it cleanse and activate the heart, bringing it into harmony with the Divine plan, it can also awaken us to the awareness that all of our life's suffering and pain served the higher purpose of our spiritual growth. With this awareness comes the inner surrender which releases us from the pain to which we had been unconsciously clinging.

Wearing Morganite, especially in gem form, brings a sense of peace, joy and inner strength, expressed in the most gentle and loving fashion. When one keeps Morganite on one's person for extended periods of time, there is a growth of confidence and power that comes from being constantly aware of one's connection to Divine love. One feels as though one is a conduit for that love to flow into the world through all one's interactions and relationships.

Morganite is a Water element ally that acts to cleanse and energize the heart and emotional body. The energy of Morganite opens and clears the heart chakra and promotes the healing of fear, resentment and anger. It is excellent for ridding oneself of  attachment to past relationships that have ended badly or about which one feels unresolved. It can help one recognize emotional patterns that need to be cleared before a new relationship can be successful. If one is seeking a soul-mate relationship, Morganite helps one identify the attitudes, past wounds and habitual relationship patterns that may be standing in the way of engaging one’s Soul partner.

Beyond personal relationships, Morganite assists in connecting with Divine Love and the Universal Heart Frequency. It can help one move out of judgment and separation and into a more holistic emotional paradigm. Morganite is aligned with angelic energies and can be used to connect with and receive guidance from angelic beings. Because of its heart-activating properties, this ally with help one align more closely with the loving energies of higher entities, allowing one to feel more supported by Spirit on the emotional level. It can aid one in developing trust in Spirit-particularly where one has had a loss or tragedy which has tested one’s faith in the Divine.

Morganite is also called ‘Pink Emerald.’ and it is aptly named. It speaks of the abundance of the heart and the prosperity of Love. It helps attune one to the energy of abundance and to open to receive the love of the Divine. While Emerald’s frequency stimulates worldly prosperity, Morganite brings a sense of emotional abundance, love, and peaceful acceptance and trust for the Divine’s plan for one’s life.

SPIRITUAL    Morganite assists one in connecting to Divine love and the angelic heart. It helps one to be receptive of the loving words, actions and energy of others and to be less protective of one’s emotional vulnerability. It teaches protection through love, rather than fear.

EMOTIONAL    Morganite can aid in recognizing the emotional patterns of judgment, fear-based self-protection an manipulation that may make meaningful relationship difficult. It can help one attract one’s soul mate or deepen one’s current relationships. It can be used to bring feeling of peace and acceptance when one is facing grief or deep loss.

PHYSICAL    Morganite’s energy supports the physical heart, strengthening its energy field and helping to establish the heart’s natural dominance in the aura.

AFFIRMATION     Divine love enters this world through the gate of my heart.

  • $7530

  •  BR-8334

  •  Unique

  •  QRC

  •  Taiwan

  •  (LxWxH) 165x2x7mm

  •  Ships in 2 to 5 Bus. Days

  •  In Wishlist of two others

  •  Opal

  •  Aquamarine

  •  Morganite

  • Available

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