Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay

Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay
Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay

Wisdom Cards A 64-Card Deck by Louise L Hay

Features a deck of 64 affirmation cards to help you develop your inner wisdom. This title contains 128 unique pieces of art exquisitely illustrated by two artists. It also contains a powerful piece of wisdom on one side and an affirmation on the other to enlighten, inspire and bring joy to your life.


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  • $2070 $1650

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