Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace

Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace
Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace
Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace
Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace

Kunzite, Purple Agate Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Pearl Necklace

You Kunzite: Divine Love, emotional healing, activation of the heart’s knowing. Purple Chalcedony: Awakening of psychic abilities, aura cleansing, purification, union with Higher Self.

Clear Quartz: Programmability, amplification of one’s intention, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement.


Purple Chalcedony:13x14mm,

Clear Quartz Heart:22x20x9mm


75.8g (~3oz)
Ships in 2 Bus. Days
 Agate  Kunzite  Clear Quartz


Agate provides for balancing of yin-yang energy and for balancing of the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which its to smooth dysfunctional energies and to both transform and eliminate negativity. It further assists one in the development of precision in examination of oneself and of circumstances relevant to ones well-being.

Agate is aid to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. In historic times, it was placed in water for use in cooking and/or for drinking in order to dispel sickness.

Agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones inherent talents and adroitness. It is also used to produce inspiration from and connected-ness with the entities residing in the spiritual worlds.

It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst, and to promote marital fidelity.

In ancient times the beauty and durability of agate prompted man to use it in both practical
and ornamental forms. It was believed that agate had unique properties that protected the wearer from dangers and promoted strength and healing.

Agates in general come in many different forms and are formed in at least five different ways. The main conditions necessary for agate formation, are the presence of silica from denitrified volcanic ash, water from rainfall or ground sources, and manganese, iron and other mineral oxides that form the bands and inclusions.

This stone helps prepare one for change and gives energy for projects and such.

It makes a powerful elixir which enhances strength and gives courage.
It stabilizes the Aura and transforms negative energy to positive energy.
Agate may be used for massage in sphere, egg or wand form.
Agate helps one focus on what they need for general well-being.

It helps one to analyze and come up with solutions to seemingly complex problems or issues.
Agate comes in many flavors, such as Blue Lace, Botswana, Moss, Breciated and many more! Each have the above properties in addition to their own unique qualities.


Kunzite and Hiddenite are both varieties of the mineral Spodumene. Kunzite carries the pink ray of Divine love and joy, and Hiddenite carries the green ray of Divine healing and gratitude.

Kunzite's realm is the emotion of the heart- learning to see the energy of Divine love in every aspect of reality. Hiddenite is the physical aspect of the heart- the expression and experience of gratitude for the wellspring of abundance and healing that is the Universe.

Joy and gratitude are inseparable. When one is moved to feel joy over some aspect of one's life, one inevitably feels gratitude as well; and when the understanding of the gifts of the Universe stirs the feeling of gratitude within one's heart, it is inevitably followed by joy. The flow of energy created by the emotions of joy and gratitude are similar to a double-helix, the same pattern as our DNA. When we are feeling joy, we are receiving the full energy of Divine Love. When we are experiencing gratitude, we are giving that love back to the Universe. This flow creates an even energy exchange between the Universe and the physical plane.
Though we are but sparks in a vast Universe of stars and consciousness, we are as important to the Divine plan as if its execution depended upon us alone. Many people feel that humanity is a backward and unlovable species, constantly committing crimes against each other and the world in which we live. This attitude, as well as the acts that precipitate it, have their origins in the concept of separation from the Divine force of the Universe.

Kunzite and Hiddenite remind us that when we reconnect with the immeasurable love of the Universe through the emotions of Joy and Gratitude, we see all things as sacred. In renewing our connection to the Divine, we may very well be renewing our chance at the "redemption' of the Human race.

Kunzite and Hiddenite have appeared as your Allies to remind you of the power of joy and gratitude in your life. At the moment in which you experience these emotions, you are experiencing reconnection to the Divine Creator. Gratitude is the recognition of flow between you and the Universe. When you express gratitude for your life and experience, you establish a flow of energy, giving and receiving between your self and the source of all things. This flow strengthens your sense of connection with all beings.

Joy is the recognition of this inner connection. When you sense Joy, you are experiencing the affirmation of the unbreakable bond between the creative force and the creation. While in the state of Joy, you recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and the beauty of the Universe's love for you.

Kunzite and Hiddenite are bringing to you the remembrance of your connection with Source, and the celebration of infinite creation. Be grateful for your lessons, your life, and your creations. Give thanks to the Universe for the opportunity to be a conscious being who is able to learn and grow and change. Celebrate the Joy of being a spark of the Divine's Light on Earth. Share this joy and thanksgiving with others, and soon the entire Human race will be raised up to a new level of understanding and Love.
AFFIRMATION: I give thanks joyfully for the gifts I receive.

  • 6,530元

  •  NE-8053U

  •  Unique

  •  QRC

  •  Taiwan

  •  Ships in 2 Bus. Days

  •  In Wishlist of two others

  •  Agate

  •  Kunzite

  •  Clear Quartz

  • Available

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