Blue gemstone ~ Aquamarine, Lapis, Celestite, Amazonite, Azurite, Blue Tourmaline, Blue Kynite, Chrysocolla, Iolite, Blue Sapphire, Larimar.....
- Focus on personal issues, beliefs and ideas. The easy flow of communication whether it is with other people or listening to your own thoughts and feelings.
- Develop sensitivity to the inner sense and intuition. Looking beyond what is in the immediate environment and the of effect os stretching the perception outwards to the unknown.
- Experience calm and peacefulness, simply being happy to be alive without any particular focus of thought.
- Cool and quieting normal mental processes, removing us slightly from involvement with thought, emotion or physical action.
- A cool personality avoids getting caught up in emotional turmoil or any particular belief. Not overwhelmed by detail or closeness, but offering the possibility of greater perspective.
- The sense of distance gives blue gemstones a quality of detachment and devotion. The quality of devotion vibration can be understood as a constant stream of energy or communication towards the source of devotion which is usually powerful.
Collection Pendants.
gemstone buddha pendant stone luck 999 silver translucent healing bamboo rock prosperity 925 silver star of david heart hand-carved chalcedony success point cacoxenite love symbiotic dragon lepidocrocite pink-tourmaline necklace hand-made flower carving crystal arkansas pendulum bath strength enthusiasm high quality rhodochrosite courage heart chakra inca rose goethite super seven engraved