Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet

Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet
Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet
Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet
Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet
Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet

Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet

Here are Nature Aquamarine AAA briolette beads bracelet, finely cut meticulous, with variability, precious stones light intensity. This excellent gem grade Aquamarine has been rare in the market, it is worth collecting! A stone of courage and serenity, its energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quiet the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is an excellent stone for promoting creative self-expression, and for removing blocks to communication … making things happen.

Aquamarine briolette:Each 8x8x5mm

Kunzite: 16x14mm

Kunzite crystallizes in the form of flattened prismatic crystals which are vertically striated, and in massive formations which are perfectly cleavable. The color range includes colorless, yellow, green, pink, grey, and purple; occasionally the specimens multicolored or tri colored and, rarely, rutile inclusions are found.

This mineral activates the heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat chakra and third-eye. It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and loving communication. Just holding this stone produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of ones being. It connects one to the infinite source of love, providing for purification on all levels. It further initiates the internal acknowledgement and external expression of self-love, unconditional love, and romantic love. It is an excellent stone for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart space.

Kunzite can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. It further provides indication of procedural steps required to attain the desired end result and acts as a facilitator in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. It dissolves negativity, automatically raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it; the diameter of the energy field can range from two inches to infinity (If directed properly). It can be used to dispel possession from outside influences/entities; providing protection on the outer areas of the aura, kunzite produces a shield from unwanted energies.

It assists one in attaining deep meditative states and provides for centering in all situations; it helps one to mentally retire when in the midst of a crowd, to remain calm in the midst of distraction, and to sustain wisdom in the midst of folly. Kunzite also stimulates intuition and creativity during the meditative state. It dispels static unfocused energy and provides for rhythmic centering, inducing precision in all activities. After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras, the evergy ceters are balanced internally and connected sequentially; a "trip" with Kunzite can be quite stimulating.


(LxWxH) 165x16x14mm
26g (~1oz)
Ships in 2 to 5 Bus. Days
 Aquamarine  Kunzite  Faceted  Rutile


The name Aquamarine is derived from the Latin aqua (water) and mare (sea).

Aquamarine is one of our most popular and best-known gemstones, and distinguishes itself by many good qualities. It is almost as popular as the classics; ruby, sapphire and emerald. In fact it is related to the emerald both belonging to the beryl family. The colour of aquamarine, however, is usually more even than that of the emerald. Much more often than its famous green cousin, aquamarine is almost entirely free of inclusions.

Aquamarine has good hardness (7 to 8 on the Mohs scale) and a wonderful shine. That hardness makes it very tough and protects it to a large extent from scratches. Iron is the substance which gives aquamarine its colour, a colour which ranges from an almost indiscernible pale blue to a strong sea-blue.

The more intense the colour of an aquamarine, the more value is put on it. Some aquamarines have a light, greenish shimmer; that too is a typical feature. However, it is a pure, clear blue that continues to epitomise the aquamarine, because it brings out so well the immaculate transparency and magnificent shine of this gemstone.


Kunzite and Hiddenite are both varieties of the mineral Spodumene. Kunzite carries the pink ray of Divine love and joy, and Hiddenite carries the green ray of Divine healing and gratitude.

Kunzite's realm is the emotion of the heart- learning to see the energy of Divine love in every aspect of reality. Hiddenite is the physical aspect of the heart- the expression and experience of gratitude for the wellspring of abundance and healing that is the Universe.

Joy and gratitude are inseparable. When one is moved to feel joy over some aspect of one's life, one inevitably feels gratitude as well; and when the understanding of the gifts of the Universe stirs the feeling of gratitude within one's heart, it is inevitably followed by joy. The flow of energy created by the emotions of joy and gratitude are similar to a double-helix, the same pattern as our DNA. When we are feeling joy, we are receiving the full energy of Divine Love. When we are experiencing gratitude, we are giving that love back to the Universe. This flow creates an even energy exchange between the Universe and the physical plane.
Though we are but sparks in a vast Universe of stars and consciousness, we are as important to the Divine plan as if its execution depended upon us alone. Many people feel that humanity is a backward and unlovable species, constantly committing crimes against each other and the world in which we live. This attitude, as well as the acts that precipitate it, have their origins in the concept of separation from the Divine force of the Universe.

Kunzite and Hiddenite remind us that when we reconnect with the immeasurable love of the Universe through the emotions of Joy and Gratitude, we see all things as sacred. In renewing our connection to the Divine, we may very well be renewing our chance at the "redemption' of the Human race.

Kunzite and Hiddenite have appeared as your Allies to remind you of the power of joy and gratitude in your life. At the moment in which you experience these emotions, you are experiencing reconnection to the Divine Creator. Gratitude is the recognition of flow between you and the Universe. When you express gratitude for your life and experience, you establish a flow of energy, giving and receiving between your self and the source of all things. This flow strengthens your sense of connection with all beings.

Joy is the recognition of this inner connection. When you sense Joy, you are experiencing the affirmation of the unbreakable bond between the creative force and the creation. While in the state of Joy, you recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and the beauty of the Universe's love for you.

Kunzite and Hiddenite are bringing to you the remembrance of your connection with Source, and the celebration of infinite creation. Be grateful for your lessons, your life, and your creations. Give thanks to the Universe for the opportunity to be a conscious being who is able to learn and grow and change. Celebrate the Joy of being a spark of the Divine's Light on Earth. Share this joy and thanksgiving with others, and soon the entire Human race will be raised up to a new level of understanding and Love.
AFFIRMATION: I give thanks joyfully for the gifts I receive.


Facets are flat faces on geometric shapes. The organization of naturally occurring facets was key to early developments in crystallography, since they reflect the underlying symmetry of the crystal structure. Gemstones commonly have facets cut into them in order to improve their appearance.


Of the many hundreds of facet arrangements that have been used, the most famous is probably the round brilliant cut, used for diamond and many colored gemstones. This arrangement of 57 facets was calculated by Marcel Tolkowsky in 1919. Slight improvements have been made since then, including the addition of a 58th facet (a culet) on the bottom of the stone. Since this is calculated to show maximum brilliance, round diamonds are rarely cut in any other arrangement, although recently the Princess cut is becoming popular. Other cuts, including "rose" cuts, are most typically found in antique jewelry. See diamond cuts for an in-depth discussion and diagrams of various shapes and ways of cutting faceted stones.

The art of cutting a gem with facets is a very precise activity. The aim with a faceted cut is to produce an article that sparkles with internally reflected light, and that shows off the "fire" of the stone. Accordingly, only transparent or translucent stones are usually faceted.

The angles between each facet are precisely calculated. As the aim is to maximise the effect of the internal reflections, these angles depend on the refractive index of the material. This means that although the name and general shape of a particular cut may be the same between different materials, the actual angles will be slightly different, for the maximum effect.

Thus, although cubic zirconia and rock crystal may look similar to diamond, and all can be cut in a round brilliant cut, the angles must be different to produce the same optical effects. Additionally, as diamond has a refractive index significantly higher than the other natural transparent stones, it can have a much greater sparkle than other materials.

While some facets can be cut by cleavage, specialised machines are used for cutting arbitrary facets. These consist of two main features:

a flat abrasive, usually diamond dust of precise size bonded onto a metal disk (called 'laps') or carried by an oily fluid on a smooth metal or ceramic disk, and
a system for holding a stone onto the disk at a precise angle and position.
This usually requires the stone to be attached to a holder or dop, which is then placed in an indexed vice. This allows progressively finer abrasives to be used without disrupting the orientation of the stone. The final abrasive must be smaller than the wavelength of light, so that the scratches it creates are invisible. Modern machines tend to have indexed gears for moving the stone, so that rotating the stone to cut the next facet can be more precisely controlled.

An older machine called the jamb peg faceting machine used wooden dop sticks of precise length. By placing one end into one of many precisely located holes in the jamb peg, the other end, with the stone, could be precisely placed onto the lap. These machines took considerable skill to use effectively.

Much less commonly, faceters use cylindrical machines, which leave concave facets. This technique is most noticeably used around the gem's girdle.


While most varieties of transparent are valued most when they lack inclusions, some varieties are valued chiefly because of inclusions! The most popular of these is known as rutilated. Rutilated is transparent rock crystal with golden needles of rutile arrayed in patterns inside. Every pattern is different and some are breathtakingly beautiful. The inclusions are sometimes called Venus hair. Less well known is a variety called tourmalinated which, instead of golden rutile, has black or dark green.

Rutilated is found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.

Rutile is a major ore of titanium, which is a metal used for high tech alloys. It often forms needle-like crystal inclusions inside. This form of is known as rutilated and it looks like small bars of imbedded gold. Rutile is a 6 on the Mohs scale.

Because of the difference in hardness between the two materials and because of the way rutile forms inside, this can be a difficult stone to attain a smooth surface without pits.

Rutilated has been referred to as Cupid's darts, Venus hair stone and Fleches d'amour.

The name comes from the Saxon word querklufterz which meant cross vein ore. The name rutile comes from the Latin word rutilus meaning red.

Rutile is said to intensify the metaphysical properties of its host crystal and to enhance one's understanding of difficult situations. It is also said to enhance creativity and to relieve depression and loneliness.

Rutilated is said to slow down the aging process and is said to be a strong healer.

Rutilated energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system. It raises your vibrations, increases clairvoyance, and strengthens thought projections. This gemstone helps the body in the assimilation of nutrients, helps the immune system function more effectively, slows diseases of aging, and prevents depression.

The crossing of the rutiles in this type of represents the accord of tissue regeneration within the physical body. This mineral also stimulates the electrical properties of the body.

  • $27540

  •  BR-8332

  •  Unique

  •  QRC

  •  Taiwan

  •  (LxWxH) 165x16x14mm

  •  Ships in 2 to 5 Bus. Days

  •  In Wishlist of one other

  •  Aquamarine

  •  Kunzite

  •  Faceted

  •  Rutile

  • Available

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