Very Special
Yellow Gemstone ~ Citrine, Tiger Eyes, Yellow Tourmaline, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Topas, Golden Apatite...
Wear yellow gemstone can help you return to a state of balance.
- Confusion and indecision, poor memory, inability to concentrate or study.
- Fear and anxiety caused by unknown factors leading to nervous and digestive disorders or difficulties, malabsorption of food.
- A weak and confused immune system, frequent minor illnesses, intolerance and allergies to foods and other substances.
- Nervous exhaustion, nervous breakdown, "burn out", panic attacks, hot flushes.
- Tendency to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or lethargy and depression in dull weather.
- It brings clarity and awareness, a sense of establishment, of solidity and assuredness, a rich, round sensation of inner warmth.
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