Very Special
Red Gemstone ~ Ruby, Garnet, Rubellite, Red Agate, Red Jasper, Fire Agate, Bloodstone...
If you want to come across as a bold and dynamic person, wear a red gemstone. This is especially effective if your confidence needs a boost or when you feel nervous about some new people. Use red gemstone in your life when there is...
- A lack of enthusiasm and interest in your life, it brings a life force and drive, manifests new ideas.
- Low energy and over-tiredness, enhances vitality, blood circulation and physical strength.
- Self-centred, insecurity, unwarranted fear or anxiety. It brings confidence, support and comfort.
Collection Very Special.
wand essential buddha rose lion dolphin lapis dolphin massage roze stamp sphere incense chop elephant lotus cluster petrified wood green rutilated quartz stamp (seal) lapis lazuli quartz fortune leopardskin jasper jewelry box stone red rutilated stamp (seal) malachite rose quartz tray nugget lapis courage oval ornament stibnite pyramid rutile seal selenite egg strength luck crystal basket