Feng Shui Fortune Bowl

Feng Shui Fortune Bowl
Feng Shui Fortune Bowl
Feng Shui Fortune Bowl


(LxWxH) 15x15x19cm
3406g (~120oz)
 Agate  Peridot  Black Tourmaline  Citrine  Clear Quartz


Agate provides for balancing of yin-yang energy and for balancing of the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which its to smooth dysfunctional energies and to both transform and eliminate negativity. It further assists one in the development of precision in examination of oneself and of circumstances relevant to ones well-being.

Agate is aid to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. In historic times, it was placed in water for use in cooking and/or for drinking in order to dispel sickness.

Agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones inherent talents and adroitness. It is also used to produce inspiration from and connected-ness with the entities residing in the spiritual worlds.

It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst, and to promote marital fidelity.

In ancient times the beauty and durability of agate prompted man to use it in both practical
and ornamental forms. It was believed that agate had unique properties that protected the wearer from dangers and promoted strength and healing.

Agates in general come in many different forms and are formed in at least five different ways. The main conditions necessary for agate formation, are the presence of silica from denitrified volcanic ash, water from rainfall or ground sources, and manganese, iron and other mineral oxides that form the bands and inclusions.

This stone helps prepare one for change and gives energy for projects and such.

It makes a powerful elixir which enhances strength and gives courage.
It stabilizes the Aura and transforms negative energy to positive energy.
Agate may be used for massage in sphere, egg or wand form.
Agate helps one focus on what they need for general well-being.

It helps one to analyze and come up with solutions to seemingly complex problems or issues.
Agate comes in many flavors, such as Blue Lace, Botswana, Moss, Breciated and many more! Each have the above properties in addition to their own unique qualities.


Peridot is an ancient and yet currently very popular gemstone. It is so old that it can be found even in Egyptian jewellery from the early second millennium BC. The stones used in those days came from an occurrence on a little volcanic island in the Red Sea, about 70 km off the Egyptian coast, off Assuan, which was rediscovered only around 1900 and has been completely exploited since.
Peridot, however, is also a very modern stone, for only a few years ago Peridot occurrences were discovered in the Cashmere region, and the stones from there show a unique beauty of colour and transparency, so that the image of the stone, which was somewhat dulled over the ages, has received an efficient polishing.

Peridot is one of the few gemstones which exist only in one colour. Finest traces of iron account for the deep green colour with a slight golden hue. Chemically Peridot is just an iron-magnesium-silicate, and the intensity of colour depends on the amount of iron contained. The colour as such can come in any variation from yellow-green and olive to brownish green. Peridot is not especially hard it only achieves about 6.5 to 7 on the Moh's scale and yet it is easy to care for and quite robust.

The most beautiful stones come from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region. Peridot as gemstone does also exist in Myanmar, China, the USA, Africa and Australia. Stones from East Burma, today's Myanmar, show a vivid green with fine silky inclusions. Peridot from the American state of Arizona, where it is quite popular in Native Indian jewellery, often shows a yellowish to golden brown shade.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline (Schorl) are ideal for psychic protection for anyone who must work or live in challenging place or circumstances, is one of the premier stones for our age. It has the ability to transmute and purify negative energy, turning it into usable energy. This is especially important as one fully opens one's psychic and empathic abilities-Black Tourmaline acts to protect one's energy field against attachments, entities and energetic debris.
Carrying or meditating with one of these stones can keep one's auric field clear of imbalance, even in the process of destructive energies. We all know that we often encounter individuals or situations that emanate 'bad vibes'. Indeed, we can sometimes brocast them ourselves. Black Tourmaline act like etheric vacuum cleaners, clearing oneself and one's surroundings of negativity and disharmony. In addition, where such influences are not a problem, Black Tourmaline can provide high levels of purification which serve to elevate one's consciousness.
Black Tourmaline is grounding  and is one of the most effective stones to use for creating a grounding circuit with the Earth's energies field. This grounding circuit is increasingly important as we strive to adjust ourselves to the Earth's shifting electromagnetic field. Unless one is well grounded and attuned to the planetary energies, these shifts can increase feelings of stress and negativity. By utilizing the supportive energy of Black Tourmaline, one is able to easily move into alignment with these subtle changes.

Another application for Black Tourmaline is in etheric purification. Carrying one of these stones in the pocket, holding one in meditation, or sleeping with one in the pillowcase will provide a refreshing dose of cleansing for the auric field and all dimensions of the etheric body. This clearing influence can even echo down into the physical form. These crystals are also recommended for ridding oneself of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger and ideas of unworthiness. The purification available through Black Tourmaline is powerful, and it is an energy needed by all of us in these challenging times.
Black Tourmaline is also an electrical gemstone and can be used very effectively to purify and regulate the electrical and other energetic system of the body. It is especially useful for those who experience high levels of stress, worry or obsessive behavior in their work or home lives.
A small number of Black Tourmaline are double-terminated. These are the ideal specimens for body layouts, because the liner flow of energies is enhanced equally in both directions along the crystalline form. Healing practitioners who utilize crystals are especially advised to use these with their clients.
Black Tourmaline's energies of protection can be further enhanced by combining it with Jet, Obsidian, Black Andradite Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite, Charoite and Amethyst. Its grounding qualities can be increased by Hematite.
  • SPIRITUAL  Black Tourmaline provides a grounding path for Light to enter the Earth plane.
  • EMOTIONAL  This ally helps one disengage from obsessive or compulsive behaviors and release chronic worry and anxiety.
  • PHYSICAL  Black Tourmaline helps purify the body of toxins and wastes. It can support the cleansing of heavy metals and environmental pollutants from the body.


Named from the French name for lemon,"citron," many citrines have a juicy lemon color.

Citrine includes yellow to gold to orange brown shades of transparent quartz. Sunny and affordable, citrine can brighten almost any jewelry style, blending especially well with the yellow gleam of polished gold.

In ancient times, citrine was carried as a protection against snake venom and evil thoughts.

Citrine is generally more inexpensive than amethyst and is also available in a wide range of calibrated sizes and shapes, including very large sizes. Since most citrine on the market started its life as amethyst which was heated to turn its color to gold, citrine jewelry, as well as amethyst jewelry, should be kept away from prolonged exposure to strong light or heat. With this precaution, citrine jewelry will last for many generations.

  • $7560

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Beautiful Lilac kunzite Rock

Beautiful Lilac kunzite Rock

Kunzite crystallizes in the form of flattened prismatic crystals which are vertically striated, and in massive formations which are perfectly cleavable. The color range includes colorless, yellow, green, pink, grey, and purple; occasionally the specimen's bi-coloured or tri coloured and, rarely, rutile inclusions are found.This mineral activates the heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat chakra and third-eye. It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and loving communication. Just holding this stone produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of ones being. It connects one to the infinite source of love, providing for purification on all levels. It further initiates the internal acknowledgement and external expression of self-love, unconditional love, and romantic love. It is an excellent stone for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart space.Kunzite can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. It further provides indication of procedural steps required to attain the desired end result and acts as a facilitator in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. It dissolves negativity, automatically raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it; the diameter of the energy field can range from two inches to infinity (If directed properly). It can be used to dispel possession from outside influences/entities; providing protection on the outer areas of the aura, kunzite produces a shield from unwanted energies.It assists one in attaining deep meditative states and provides for centering in all situations; it helps one to mentally retire when in the midst of a crowd, to remain calm in the midst of distraction, and to sustain wisdom in the midst of folly. Kunzite also stimulates intuition and creativity during the meditative state. It dispels static unfocused energy and provides for rhythmic centering, inducing precision in all activities. After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras, the energy centers are balanced internally and connected sequentially; a "trip" with Kunzite can be quite stimulating.

$28680 $318.90

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