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Beautiful Natural Golden Rutilated Quartz Crystal Wand

Beautiful Natural Golden ... Wand

This rare large natural golden rutilated quartz wand was unearthed in Brazil and has not been processed in any way. We only use washed it with clean water, keeping it's original authentic powerful energy.You can recognize it is a self-healing crystal from the base. The Crystalline structure at the bottom surface was removed from its matrix or home. Like a metaphysical painting with many pyramids, mysterious and beautiful. There are some rainbow lights in the bridge crystals on the left and right sides. The biggest highlight is that more then half of the crystal is beautiful golden stars rutile in clear smoky quartz crystal. Shiny like a Sun, very powerful.This is a collectors item if you like authentic crystals~Golden rutile quartz integrates energy at many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz stones and is an important healing stone. Illuminates the soul.Removes barriers to spiritual growth.Filters negative energy.Rutile quartz is an excellent stone to use if you need to change your direction in life. It soothes dark moods, offerring relief from fears, phobias and anxiety. The needle inclusions add intensity and transmission power to the crystal. Healers use this stone to aid respiratory difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is considered an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart.The self-healed crystal, having learned to heal itself, can lend this knowledge to the user and can share the experience of self-healing. This crystal takes situations, which appear to be devastating, and helps them to fulfill themselves-utilizing the law of the perfect order of the universe and the creativity of natural completion.A bridge crystal facilitates bridging between the inner and outer worlds, the self and others and the self and other worlds, It is beneficial when you are attempting to share knowledge with others or public speakers who lecture on topics concerning new ideas and avant-garde concepts.A bridge crystal is very useful for all type of teaching, promoting communication ties and understanding between teacher and student.
