
Obsidian :
Awaken your potential that have not manifested yet. Psychic protection, grounding, clearing negative energies.
Smokey Quartz :
Grounding, transmutation of negative energies, practicality, organization, manifestation of one's dreams and inspirations.
Garnet :
Being more open to sharing love, kindness and compassion. Helps recall and fulfill life purpose, by taking the appropriate steps on path. Recover sense of self-worth and feel the love of the Divine. Recovery from sexually related abuse.
Ruby :
Life force, courage, passion, strength, enthusiasm, adventurousness, protectiveness.
Any Price
Zodiac Scorpio
Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite Pebble

Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite Pebble

Ruby in Fuchsite is a lovely combination of natural red Ruby crystals embedded in pale to medium green Fuchsite. Great for any collection, Ruby in Fuchsite merges the qualities of Ruby and Fuchsite for the perfect Heart Stone. Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones.The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body's energy field.Ruby Fuchsite enhances the connection to spiritual realms, thinning the veil between this 3rd density reality and the other dimensions. Ruby Fuchsite is a perfect companion to use when connecting and communicating with the spirit world. This combination of two complementary colored crystals opens and activates the Crown Chakra and is helpful in deepening meditative states.Physically, Ruby Fuchsite promotes physical vitality, recovery/relief from extended or chronic illness and can be of assistance for strengthening the heart and blood flow/circulation issues. A wonderful piece to keep close for those who have trouble going to sleep and/or staying asleep.

Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite Pebble

Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite Pebble

Ruby in Fuchsite is a lovely combination of natural red Ruby crystals embedded in pale to medium green Fuchsite. Great for any collection, Ruby in Fuchsite merges the qualities of Ruby and Fuchsite for the perfect Heart Stone. Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones.The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body's energy field.Ruby Fuchsite enhances the connection to spiritual realms, thinning the veil between this 3rd density reality and the other dimensions. Ruby Fuchsite is a perfect companion to use when connecting and communicating with the spirit world. This combination of two complementary colored crystals opens and activates the Crown Chakra and is helpful in deepening meditative states.Physically, Ruby Fuchsite promotes physical vitality, recovery/relief from extended or chronic illness and can be of assistance for strengthening the heart and blood flow/circulation issues. A wonderful piece to keep close for those who have trouble going to sleep and/or staying asleep.

Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite Tumbled stone

Ruby Fuchsite, Ruby Zoisite ... stone

This stone or pebble balances the cells of the heart as well as the transmission of the electrical impulses. With this stone in hand, use your intention and the power of visualisation to attract a balanced, healthy state throughout your body. You can also use the stone with the intention to attract the right healthcare practitioners to help you with your heart issues. Ruby fuchsite infuses the body with prana (the breath or life giving force). It supports the bowels, heart, cells and organs.Ruby fuchsite is a reminder that you are capable of profound feelings of love and well-being. Use this stone to turn your attention back to your heart to heal hurt feelings and open yourself to receive love. The soft green vibration of the fuchsite gently prods you toward accepting friendships and relationships, while the brilliant ruby energizes you to embrace relationships with open arms. Ruby fuchsite encourages self esteem and assists in the healing of relationship issues. It brings emotions and their sources into awareness for understanding and clearing. This stone works via flashbacks, nightmares and daydream images too disturbing and message laden to ignore. It releases and clears emotional garbage to end its influence on your present life and prevent its carry over into future incarnations.Ruby fuchsite's energy moves the mind into action. Use this stone when you are feeling lethargic or stuck on the same thought pattern whether positive or negative. The ruby in this stone will move the energy enough to create a mental passion for life. The fuchsite shifts that energy into motion so thoughts that were once stuck or repetitive actually progress to complete a plan of action or intention. Ruby fuchsite vibrates with the energy of spiritually aligned romantic love. Use it as a magnet to attract the perfect life partner. Allow it to help you open your sacred heart to higher vibration of loving and being loved. This stone helps you have the courage to demonstrate your love an aligns you with heartfelt truth and goodness. Ruby fuchsite inspires you to heal yourself and it instills an awareness of the deep self that no-one sees.Ruby fuchsite aids karmic release of disturbing situations and lifetimes or of past life violent death.
