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Super Seven Crystal Point

Super Seven Crystal Point

Super Seven crystals are quartz crystals that encompass 7 different mineral variations that synergistically produce a therapeutic frequency far ahead. The seven minerals in super seven crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Goethite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Lepidocrocite. In order to obtain a perceptive understanding of this crystal lets take a look with each different mineral inclusions discretely.Amethyst is produced from trace quantities of iron and aluminum logically irradiated with quartz. It also provides quartz a wonderful lucid purple color. In fact, it is a gemstone of renovation, nurturing spiritual growth and connected with higher aspects of consciousness. However, Smokey quartz is generated from the natural irradiation within the Earth, providing the gem a “Smoky” brown shade ranging from light tan through to the deepest black or brown.It is a grounding stone and at the same time revitalizing and clearing the whole energy field. Rutile is a titanium oxide stone often originated in quartz and is a tough conductor and amplifier of power. It also opens your consciousness to multi-dimensional status of being, hence carry consciousness, responsiveness to your own natural mind reader, clairsentient and clairaudient abilities, as well.Cacoxenite produces with yellowy-brown minerals. This inclusion takes the occurrence of a gemstone to a superior level of importance, speed up the active purpose of a crystal. It also opens up people’s immeasurable field of cleverness that links to all creation, which enlightens several ways of creating silence and harmony on world. Goethite is considered as an iron hydroxide mineral, which is found usually around the world. This mineral holds the pattern of the Earth’s from origin through to seeding from different star systems through to our present and potential future realisation.It is one of the main crystals used for holographic re-patterning and change old and lifeless beliefs. On the other hand, Lepidocrocite is an iron hydroxide stone that generates as a secondary stone with Goethite, and provides a reddish-brown color to quartz.  Lepidocrocite supports and secures the active bodies facilitating the Soul’s physical experience here on world with beauty and simplicity. Lastly, Clear Quartz, which is silica dioxide, composes with the substrate that houses other minerals. It is the leading crystal for accepting your soul’s highest reasons and being a craft of divine service. In fact, these seven energies hold close to create a resonate frequency that facilitates spiritual growth on all levels of being.Super 7 crystals give an access passage to the unconscious mind to re-remember what your current role is and how you can survive with highest degree. These crystals seize you openly to any core that have you have been created in your lifetime in order to recognize what factors you are currently holding you back for your life purpose. Moreover, these crystals stimulate the Soul to its divine brilliance, and will push over until the Soul give up to transformation and expansion. They are also awakening the humankind to an open-minded way to achieve a physical experience from the Earth. You can put it under your pillow every night, and wear it over your heart. You can also hold these crystals as a cue that all of creation exists surrounded by you. You also have the control to surpass pain, and live each breath in meek gratitude for the divine within. This is also highly-recommended for anyone, especially who’s serious about accepting individual and environmental growth and walking through the lane of truth. Colors: Refer to individual inclusions Emotions: These stones are powerful, especially for metaphysical purpose and they are wonderful to utilize as they have tough and grounding qualities. They are also prevailing stones for both sacred and for intuitive protection. Super Seven crystals transmit a profound spiritual form that connects with all humanity. As you start to use one of these Sacred Seven stones, you may realize that within these stones exist in a spiritual being that is coming up to work with you. If you going to use the amazing assistance that these stone may offer you, you will achieve latest gifts and move forwards internally. Sources: The most delightful pieces of Super 7 are located in Brazil, with several smaller pieces of these minerals.Holistic Aspects:Super Seven crystals can help us to adapt to an environment and helping souls to incorporate into the third dimensional world, plus defend an individual against the cruel realities of it. It creates enthusiasm to be stay grounded and produce a reality that incorporates more than the known in a far and isolated place. Additionally, these crystals can help workers to recognize with happiness and the chances that exist on this earth for full level of transformation on Earth. These minerals can also be used for defense, channeling, and therapeutic for self and of course for our Mother Earth. Super Seven crystals are considered as significant part of this world, as they are such dominant assets.Other Features:Super Seven crystals are exceptional for improving all sorts of psychic capabilities and psychic skills such as mind-reading, channeling, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, and others. Once you start to use these stones and create a connection to a person’s crystal, you can rise up your healing gifts to an upper level and shift your religious growth forward. In addition to, it is a great stone for crystal healing, and is admirable for curing body, mind, body, and spirit, as well. It also harmonizes the body, stimulates the body’s natural therapeutic system and relieves the cellular memory. Generally, Super Seven crystals are not connected with any one chakra, but it is mostly used for curing, harmonizing and revitalizing all Super Seven Chakras. Super seven crystals or the sacred seven gemstone. This gemstone is rare and is only found in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a natural phenomenon, the naturally formed super seven is a combination of seven crystals. Each of the individual crystals represent the seven main Chakras- ‘Amethyst,Cacoxenite,Goethite ,Clear quartz,Lepidocrocite,Rutile,and smoky quartz.

$78 $104.10
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Super Seven Crystal Point

Super Seven Crystal Point

Super Seven crystals are quartz crystals that encompass 7 different mineral variations that synergistically produce a therapeutic frequency far ahead. The seven minerals in super seven crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Goethite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Lepidocrocite. In order to obtain a perceptive understanding of this crystal lets take a look with each different mineral inclusions discretely.Amethyst is produced from trace quantities of iron and aluminum logically irradiated with quartz. It also provides quartz a wonderful lucid purple color. In fact, it is a gemstone of renovation, nurturing spiritual growth and connected with higher aspects of consciousness. However, Smokey quartz is generated from the natural irradiation within the Earth, providing the gem a “Smoky” brown shade ranging from light tan through to the deepest black or brown.It is a grounding stone and at the same time revitalizing and clearing the whole energy field. Rutile is a titanium oxide stone often originated in quartz and is a tough conductor and amplifier of power. It also opens your consciousness to multi-dimensional status of being, hence carry consciousness, responsiveness to your own natural mind reader, clairsentient and clairaudient abilities, as well.Cacoxenite produces with yellowy-brown minerals. This inclusion takes the occurrence of a gemstone to a superior level of importance, speed up the active purpose of a crystal. It also opens up people’s immeasurable field of cleverness that links to all creation, which enlightens several ways of creating silence and harmony on world. Goethite is considered as an iron hydroxide mineral, which is found usually around the world. This mineral holds the pattern of the Earth’s from origin through to seeding from different star systems through to our present and potential future realisation.It is one of the main crystals used for holographic re-patterning and change old and lifeless beliefs. On the other hand, Lepidocrocite is an iron hydroxide stone that generates as a secondary stone with Goethite, and provides a reddish-brown color to quartz.  Lepidocrocite supports and secures the active bodies facilitating the Soul’s physical experience here on world with beauty and simplicity. Lastly, Clear Quartz, which is silica dioxide, composes with the substrate that houses other minerals. It is the leading crystal for accepting your soul’s highest reasons and being a craft of divine service. In fact, these seven energies hold close to create a resonate frequency that facilitates spiritual growth on all levels of being.Super 7 crystals give an access passage to the unconscious mind to re-remember what your current role is and how you can survive with highest degree. These crystals seize you openly to any core that have you have been created in your lifetime in order to recognize what factors you are currently holding you back for your life purpose. Moreover, these crystals stimulate the Soul to its divine brilliance, and will push over until the Soul give up to transformation and expansion. They are also awakening the humankind to an open-minded way to achieve a physical experience from the Earth. You can put it under your pillow every night, and wear it over your heart. You can also hold these crystals as a cue that all of creation exists surrounded by you. You also have the control to surpass pain, and live each breath in meek gratitude for the divine within. This is also highly-recommended for anyone, especially who’s serious about accepting individual and environmental growth and walking through the lane of truth. Colors: Refer to individual inclusions Emotions: These stones are powerful, especially for metaphysical purpose and they are wonderful to utilize as they have tough and grounding qualities. They are also prevailing stones for both sacred and for intuitive protection. Super Seven crystals transmit a profound spiritual form that connects with all humanity. As you start to use one of these Sacred Seven stones, you may realize that within these stones exist in a spiritual being that is coming up to work with you. If you going to use the amazing assistance that these stone may offer you, you will achieve latest gifts and move forwards internally. Sources: The most delightful pieces of Super 7 are located in Brazil, with several smaller pieces of these minerals.Holistic Aspects:Super Seven crystals can help us to adapt to an environment and helping souls to incorporate into the third dimensional world, plus defend an individual against the cruel realities of it. It creates enthusiasm to be stay grounded and produce a reality that incorporates more than the known in a far and isolated place. Additionally, these crystals can help workers to recognize with happiness and the chances that exist on this earth for full level of transformation on Earth. These minerals can also be used for defense, channeling, and therapeutic for self and of course for our Mother Earth. Super Seven crystals are considered as significant part of this world, as they are such dominant assets.Other Features:Super Seven crystals are exceptional for improving all sorts of psychic capabilities and psychic skills such as mind-reading, channeling, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, and others. Once you start to use these stones and create a connection to a person’s crystal, you can rise up your healing gifts to an upper level and shift your religious growth forward. In addition to, it is a great stone for crystal healing, and is admirable for curing body, mind, body, and spirit, as well. It also harmonizes the body, stimulates the body’s natural therapeutic system and relieves the cellular memory. Generally, Super Seven crystals are not connected with any one chakra, but it is mostly used for curing, harmonizing and revitalizing all Super Seven Chakras. Super seven crystals or the sacred seven gemstone. This gemstone is rare and is only found in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a natural phenomenon, the naturally formed super seven is a combination of seven crystals. Each of the individual crystals represent the seven main Chakras- ‘Amethyst,Cacoxenite,Goethite ,Clear quartz,Lepidocrocite,Rutile,and smoky quartz.

$8790 $109.80
Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with Kunzite bracelet

Genuine Aquamarine AAA faceted briolette with ...

Here are Nature Aquamarine AAA briolette beads bracelet, finely cut meticulous, with variability, precious stones light intensity. This excellent gem grade Aquamarine has been rare in the market, it is worth collecting! A stone of courage and serenity, its energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quiet the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is an excellent stone for promoting creative self-expression, and for removing blocks to communication … making things happen.Aquamarine briolette:Each 8x8x5mmKunzite: 16x14mmKunzite crystallizes in the form of flattened prismatic crystals which are vertically striated, and in massive formations which are perfectly cleavable. The color range includes colorless, yellow, green, pink, grey, and purple; occasionally the specimens multicolored or tri colored and, rarely, rutile inclusions are found.This mineral activates the heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat chakra and third-eye. It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and loving communication. Just holding this stone produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of ones being. It connects one to the infinite source of love, providing for purification on all levels. It further initiates the internal acknowledgement and external expression of self-love, unconditional love, and romantic love. It is an excellent stone for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart space.Kunzite can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. It further provides indication of procedural steps required to attain the desired end result and acts as a facilitator in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. It dissolves negativity, automatically raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it; the diameter of the energy field can range from two inches to infinity (If directed properly). It can be used to dispel possession from outside influences/entities; providing protection on the outer areas of the aura, kunzite produces a shield from unwanted energies.It assists one in attaining deep meditative states and provides for centering in all situations; it helps one to mentally retire when in the midst of a crowd, to remain calm in the midst of distraction, and to sustain wisdom in the midst of folly. Kunzite also stimulates intuition and creativity during the meditative state. It dispels static unfocused energy and provides for rhythmic centering, inducing precision in all activities. After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras, the evergy ceters are balanced internally and connected sequentially; a "trip" with Kunzite can be quite stimulating.

Aquamarine Pendant

Aquamarine Pendant

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl which crystallizes prismatically, sometimes vertically striated and, occasionally, terminated with small pyramid faces. The color ranges from light blue to green. It is a “stone of courage”. It enhances ones ability for rapid intellectual response and helps one to remain impeccable through assimilation of acknowledge concerning ones beginning  and the reality which one has actualized. It accelerates the intellectual reasoning processes and makes one unconquerable through learning-not only about the physical world, but about oneself. It provides a shielding property for the aura and the subtle bodies. It encourages the innate ability to “always be prepared”. One way of protecting oneself, temporarily, from pollutants is to imagine the essence of aquamarine in the air on all sides-the difference in the air quality is usually recognizable. It has also been used to guard against injury during battle. There is a flowing quality to the energy of aquamarine; at the same time, the energy is also structured so that balance and order are maintained. It provides for alignment of the chakras and balancing of the network of structures connecting the physical and ethereal bodies. It helps one to attune to more spiritual levels of awareness; for those who are involved in spiritual levels of development, it provides emotional and intellectual stability and enhances the connection with the higher-self. It enables one to travel deep within the self and to understand the complexities, to simplify the resultant information, and to concurrently remain centered. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy, exhibiting moderation; it helps judgmental people to be more tolerant, and can help one who is “swamped” by responsibility to bring order to the process. It also helps one to take responsibility for ones actions and encountered situations. Aquamarine stimulates, activates, and cleanses the throat chakra, facilitating communication of a higher quality than the mundane. This crystalline structure provides stimulus to the idea of service to the world, and to the development of a humanity which is both attuned to healing and to furthering the subsequent eradication of dis-ease. It provides for access to stored information concerning the perfection of the body and enhances ones insight into the art and practice of actualizing the perfection; it provides for inspiration and for an inculcation of the truths of the universe and the universal perfection. It has been used in the treatment of swollen glands. It can also be used to balance and fortify the glands, is excellent for the eyes and for improving vision, and assists in the maintenance of the teeth and with the formative bone structure. Please note that the Aquamarine Phantom Crystal combines the qualities of Aquamarine with the qualities of a phantom crystal. This crystal has been used extensively in the activation of memory of past-life experiences. In addition, the configuration of Cat’s Eye Aquamarine, brings the qualities of the Cat’s Eye mineral to the energies of  Aquamarine. This configuration has also been used to stimulate the clairvoyant state during discussions with others.

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Blue Topaz Beads Bracelet

Blue Topaz Beads Bracelet

Top blue topaz hand bead braceletTop blue topaz is a beautiful gemstone that symbolizes peace and friendship. Topaz can help enhance expression and persuasiveness, enhance personal confidence, and make people calm things. It can improve the diseases of the respiratory tract and trachea, balance and regulate the function of lymph glands.The ancient Greeks believed that topaz gave people power. During the European Renaissance (from the 14th century to the 17th century), people thought that rubble could break the curse and eliminate anger. For hundreds of years, many people in India have believed that topaz worn on the heart can prolong life and ensure beauty and wisdom.The ancient Egyptians believed that the golden topaz symbolized the life-giving sun god. Wearing it can be blessed by the sun god, and it is also the guardian stone of beauty and health.The ancient Greeks regarded topaz as a "strength stone". It had magical power and was a special medicine for treating liver, kidney, and edema. Eastern psychics and wizards also used topaz as a god stone when communicating with the underworld.It is said that on a sleepless night, you can sleep peacefully by wearing a topaz ring and putting your hand on your forehead. There was also a record in medieval ancient books that sleeping with topaz under the pillow can quickly restore your strength. The next day Wake up early in the morning and feel energetic. Although there is no medical confirmation of this statement, friends who are interested may wish to try.


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