Tiger Eye Smoky Quartz Bracelet

Tiger Eye Smoky Quartz Bracelet
Tiger Eye Smoky Quartz Bracelet
Tiger Eye Smoky Quartz Bracelet


(LxWxH) 12x55x8cm
14.4g (~1oz)
 Tiger Eye  Smoky Quartz  Quartz

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a durable composite. It begins as the fibrous blue mineral called crocidolite, which is comprised of iron & sodium. Most of us known crocidolite as asbestos. The transformation begins when becomes imbedded between the fibers of crocidolite. This process will result in one of two gemstones. A blue stone called Blue Tiger Eye or Hawk Eye or the golden brown stone called Tiger Eye.

During the process, the asbestos is completely dissolved. But The takes on the fibrous formations and the blue color of crocidolite. This creates the parallel lines within the gem which gives it that ever shifting play of light and movement, the stone is so loved for. This is also known as chatoyancy. This gleam that rolls across its surface. Much like the eyes of a cat.

Even though the iron & sodium dissolve, traces of hydrated oxide of iron deposit between the crocidolite and, creating the golden color that is common to Tiger Eye. How much of this hydrated mineral is deposited will determine how Golden brown, red, green or blue, Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye will be. The rarer blue Hawk Eye will have only the slightest amounts.

The varying amounts of hydrated oxide of iron, actually cause several colors and mixes of color. When the color is a greenish gary, it is called cat-eye. A golden yellow reflection on a brown stone, is called Tiger Eye. If the stone is blue gray or bluish, it's known as Hawk Eye. Redish brown, or mahogany colored stones, are known as bull-eye or ox-eye

Tiger Eye is also a pseudomorph (from the Greek for false form). Pseudomorphs form when one mineral replaces another. Tiger eye is a replacement of crocidolite. Thus it is a pseudomorph of after crocidolite. The process is similar to that which takes place when replaces wood to produce petrified wood.

Smoky Quartz

A very common, coarse-grained variety of the silica mineral that ranges in colour from nearly black through smoky brown. No distinct boundary exists between smoky and colourless. Its abundance causes it to be worth considerably less than either or. Heating bleaches the
stone, the colour sometimes passing through yellow; these yellow pieces are often sold as. Crystals of the mineral frequently contain inclusions of gas (carbon dioxide), liquid (often both water and liquid carbon dioxide), or solids (rutile). Smoky from Mount Cairngorm, Scotland, is known as cairngorm and is a favourite ornamental stone in Scotland, where it is worn in brooches with Highland costume. Its properties are those of other stones. Today, the vast majority of smoky is mined in Brazil, but it is found in most of the major gem producing nations.

Smoky is quite often sold in the trade as smoky. 99% of the time a gem offered as smoky is actually this variety of. Since is a separate mineral, this type of name can be confusing and should be clearly disclosed as to which gem is actually being presented, since also occurs in a brown color.

  • $1740

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