Thirty More Simple Yet Profound Lessons That Will Transform Your Life In Thirty Days.
OPEN TO LIGHT is a book offering a fresh perspective on personal transformation. This book weaves the process of Antoinette's own awakening to a gift as a spiritual channel with the profound wisdom of her guiding teacher, ascended master, disciple Andrew.
Effortless Health
Little Friends of Nature - Effortless Prosperity for Children (Ages 2-7) Book IEach of the stories in the children's books not only supports and confirms the thirty lessons of Absolutely Effortless Prosperity Books I and II, but also follows the daily lessons in the same order. Now the entire family can practice the lessons together. Your children will learn to connect with their inner guidance, experience total peace, and increase their sense of self-worth. As they recognize the miracles that occur daily in their lives, their behavior will improve and they will become more loving and joyous. Communication and understanding between you and your children will flow effortlessly.
Why not have everything you desire?No one deserves it more!This book contains 30 simple yet profound lessonsthat will lead you out of a world of darkness and limitation into a world oflight, abundance, and unlimited possibilites.Take the journey into spiritual awareness with these lessonsthat Bijan received from Spirit.Learn the secret behind the misperception of cause and effect.Know that the power of creation exists within you,in your ability to choose and direct your thoughts and emotions.This book by Bijan Anjomi can transform your life in 30 days.
Jason and Gabriel, two special brothers, bring the stories and lessons of Effortless Prosperity to life through their adventures together. (Ages 8-12)
Traditional Chinese Translated version of the Effortless Prosperity book 1 by Bijan Anjomi.
Light From The Sky - Effortless Prosperity for Teens Book IThis book is full of interesting and funny stories that follow the thirty-day Effortless Prosperity program. Each story relates experiences of Siavash, an adventurous being from another galaxy, whose mission on Earth as a teenager named John is to bring light to as many people as he can, by helping them to let go of fear and get in touch with their creative power. In the most subtle way, it introduces teenage readers to the hazards both of alcohol and drug use and of negative and unhealthy associations. It is a must for every teenager.